Due to the volume of requests, ECAASU registration has been extended and on-site registration is open on a rolling basis, given on a first-come-first-serve order.
Unfortunately, due to the time contraints on ordering materials for the conference, we cannot guarantee standard registration materials for extended late registrants. Materials will be given according to availability in the order of registration time.
We highly recommend that registrants register online for fastest processing, registration time will be determined by the received time of registration information and payment.
Coming to ECAASU 2010? See our Conference Code of Conduct.
If registering online,
the participant must use Paypal and/or
a valid debit/credit card to complete payment.
If paying by check, the participant
must register by paper; both check and registration form
must be sent in by mail postmarked by the deadline date.
Please make checks out to "the Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania",
and use the following hard copy paper form here:
Please send all mail to:
Pan-Asian American Community House
3601 Locust Walk
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Please send us any registration inquiries at registration@ecaasu2010.org,
and for any technical issues with the registration form, please contact webmaster@ecaasu2010.org.
Note: if you cannot see this form, you may be using an older version of a browser not supported by our website. Please try the latest version of IE, Firefox, Safari, Opera, or Google Chrome.